- Hi Miss Wasisti, can you tell us about where you live, Salatiga?
Salatiga is a small city in Central Java. It is one hour drive from Semarang. Located at the foot of Mt. Merbabu and surrounded by several mountains such as Mt. Telomoyo, Mt. Andong, and Mt. Ungaran, and if the weather is clear we can also see Mt. Merapi from afar. There are still many shady trees around and a lot of green space and parks making the temperature of this city quite cool, the air is very clean and fresh – something that we can hardly get in Jakarta. Even during rainy season, no air-con needed. There are a lot of tourist attractions nearby you can visit such as Umbul Sidomukti – a spring on Mt. Ungaran, Kopeng tourism park on Mt. Merbabu, Rawapening Lake, or you can ride motorbike climbing to the top of Mt.Telomoyo. You may don’t want to miss tasting mouth-watering dishes such as tumpang koyor Mbah Rakinem, ronde – the most famous ronde in town is Ronde Jago, and enting-enting gepuk. - Can you tell us a little about yourself when you are not teaching English?
I do housework and taking care of my son just like a normal housewife – taking responsibilities as a wife and mom. When I have time on my hands after a long day of daily routine, I usually watch Korean dramas to enjoy my me-time. - How do you manage your time being a working mother?
When I teach, my son is taken care by my mom – the rest I take care of everything. At night when my son is asleep and all of the housework is done, I prepare teaching materials for the upcoming days. Despite of I’m not teaching full time, I sometimes feel stressed, especially when students don’t actively engage in the classroom activity. Therefore, weekend is the day I look forward to, to recharge myself both physically and mentally. Mostly I spend my weekend having quality time with my family – by travelling to the cities nearby such as Solo, Semarang, Magelang, and Jogjakarta, or visiting places close to our home, or even sometimes spending our quality time just being at home. - Best thing about being a working mother?
I’m so grateful that I can work without having to leave my son at home because I teach online and thanks to BTC for making it possible – thus I won’t miss a single day witnessing my son’s growth and development at his golden age but on the other side I am still able to deliver my knowledge teaching English to students, hence my knowledge is meaningful. My top priority right now is raising my son without the help of a nanny or daycare, so for now teaching online is quite ideal. - Is there any advice you can give to women out there about being a mother and a career woman?
The life of being a mother and a career woman must balance. I personally decided to be a working mom to actualize myself. As a married woman and having children, her main responsibility is family. It is her priority to ensure that her children grow up well – with the help and support from the husband, of course. It’s totally okay to pursue the dream career as long as the responsibilities as a wife and mother are carried out as well as possible. I know it’s not easy-peasy, so know your ability, don’t hesitate to admit your limits, and ask for help whenever needed. Last but not least, self-love is the most noteworthy.
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