Welcome April 2024 – Future Forward

Welcoming April with open arms and a commitment to sustainability! This month let’s shine a spotlight on building a greener future forward. Join Binawan Training Center in celebrating Earth and embracing sustainable practices for a brighter tomorrow.
March 2024 – Recap

Di penghujung bulan Maret ini, yuk kita tengok apa saja hal seru yang berlangsung di Binawan Training Center! Apa saja hal seru di Binawan Training Center selama bulan Maret ini? Ada Kelas Keperawatan Internasional, kelas pertama semester genap, briefing awal semester dengan semua instruktur BTC, acara munggahan tim BTC menyambut bulan Ramadan, dan masih banyak […]
#ShePersisted – Raeni Indah

Please welcome, our #ShePersisted winner, Raeni Indah! Merayakan bulannya para perempuan, Binawan Training Center mengadakan kampanye #ShePersisted untuk mengajak para perempuan hebat membagikan kisah mereka tentang ketekunan dan ketangguhan! Raeni membagikan ceritanya tentang menjadi wanita yang harus membagi waktu untuk menjalani perannya.
What Women Watch

Merayakan International Women’s Month yang berbarengan dengan bulan Ramadan, Binawan Training Center ingin memberikan rekomendasi tontonan bertema feminisme yang cocok kamu tonton sambil ngabuburit menunggu waktu berbuka. Simak La Luna, film komedi dari Malaysia yang bercerita tentang sebuah toko pakaian dalam wanita atau lingerie yang baru dibuka di Kampung Bras Basah. Bras Basah selama ini […]
All The English Training You Need

Tahukah kamu kalau Binawan Training Center punya banyak ragam pelatihan bahasa Inggris? Yes! Selama bulan Maret ini kami akan membagikan apa saja jenis-jenis pelatihan bahasa Inggris di BTC yang bisa kamu ambil.Belajar bahasa Inggris ada banyak manfaat, secara pribadi ataupun profesional, menjadikannya salah satu keterampilan yang berharga untuk di dunia global saat ini. Mau tahu […]
Welcome March 2024 – Embrace the power of HER resilience!

Embrace the power of HER resilience! This International Women’s Month, we’re thrilled to unveil our campaign theme: ‘Harmony in Her: Celebrating Women’s Strength and Resilience.’ Join us in honoring the incredible stories of women worldwide who embody unwavering strength and inspire harmony amid life’s challenges. Let’s amplify their voices and celebrate the beauty of resilience.
Nursing Knowledge Review

As a part of our preparation classes for International Registered Nurse, a Nursing Knowledge Review class aims to update and reinforce the knowledge of nurses. This class helps ensure staying current with industry standards, evidence-based practices, and the evolving healthcare landscape. The goal is to empower nurses to provide patients with high-quality, safe, and compassionate […]
Culture Competence and Sensitivity Class

Learn what nurses need to know for an international career and how Binawan Training Center (BTC) can help you excel! Binawan Training Center’s Cultural Competence and Sensitivity Classes aim to educate individuals about diverse cultures, identities, and perspectives to foster understanding, respect, and effective communication across different cultural backgrounds. Read through to get to know […]
Medical English Class

Learn what nurses need to know for an international career and how Binawan Training Center (BTC) can help you excel! Binawan Training Center provides specialized language skills tailored for healthcare professionals. Participants will gain proficiency in medical terminology, ensuring clear and accurate communication in medical settings. Our expertise in different nursing systems overseas and our […]
Nursing Licensure Exam Preparation Class

Learn what nurses need to know for an international career and how Binawan Training Center (BTC) can help you excel!In order to become a Registered Nurse abroad nurses are required to complete nursing licensure exams successfully. Binawan Training Center has been helping educated nurses become successful at their exams. Our expertise in different nursing systems […]