Instructor Appreciation Week Ms Fafa

Welcome to Instructor Appreciation Week! We are dedicating this first week of 2022 to our instructors and we hope through this series, our students would get to know their instructors beyond the classroom. First up, we are talking to Ms. Fathimah Rofi’ati or Ms. Fafa. From her favorite female author to her 2022 resolution, scroll down to read our conversation with Ms. Fafa.

Why do you think having good English skills is very important in building a career?
Foreign language skills are actually important in general, but since almost all jobs require English skills now during the recruitment process, the need for proficiency can’t be understated.

What was the most memorable book you read in 2021?
I mentioned once that I read Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire this year, and the book is the most impressive indeed for someone who teaches for a living like me. He argued that you should not be afraid and ready for freedom and that freedom can be attained through education.

Who is your favorite female author?

Probably Simone de Beauvoir. She was a French philosopher and she advocated for women’s rights. In her most famous book, she reminded women that they are worth more than their accessories or clothing and I think we should understand our true value, especially in this highly consumptive and superficial society.

What is your 2022 resolution?
There are a lot! But what I can share with you is to take Batman to a vet. Batman is a male stray cat near my neighborhood and I think he needs a doctor’s visit.

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Daftarkan Kursus Anda Sekarang!

Ambil langkah pertama menuju pengembangan pribadi dan profesional Anda dengan mendaftar kursus di Binawan Training Center (BTC). Rentang kursus komprehensif kami dirancang untuk melengkapi Anda dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk unggul di bidang yang Anda pilih.